This year we will be participating in the Relay for Life of San Diego sponsored by the American Cancer Society. This will be held on August 11 -12, 2018 9am to 9am. This is a very worthy cause and one way of giving back to the community. Our team name is PAG-ASA with UP Epsilon Chi. Our Team Leaders are Joy and Gino Coronel 76A.
Here are the details:
Our event: Relay for Life of San Diego on Aug 11-12 9am to 9am at Liberty Station
Team Name: PAG-ASA with Epsilon Chi
Relay Donations: There are several ways you can donate
- Regular non Luminaria Donation
- Donation by Luminaria
Luminaria bags are lit in the evening of the event and everyone walks solemnly in procession by or around the bags.
Luminaria bags are $10 each
A Luminaria bag will have the name of a person you are honoring… someone who has passed from, survived, or is currently fighting cancer. You can add a message.
No limit on Luminarias purchased.
You can purchase many Luminarias for the same person.
Donations are tax deductible
If you register to join the team AND donate $100 or more by regular donation, Luminaria or a combination of both, you get a relay shirt. T-shirts are passed on to the team captain.
If you are a cancer survivor and register to join the team, any amount of donation will get you a cancer survivor shirt.
You can ask others to relay with or donate under our team.
You can choose to make your donation anonymous
You do not need to stay onsite for the whole event if you plan to relay.
Donation receipts are mailed to you for tax purposes.
To avail of the free shirt, your $100 or more donation (survivor-any amount) has to be turned in by end of June. T-shirts are ordered by ACS on the first week of July.
You can do online donations via our team page or offline by check.
Here’s the link to our team:
“Join our Team”
Where you register and join our team
If you are not donating or have not thought about how much you are donating, but want to be acknowledged as part of the team, you start here.
Where you make a regular donation
Where you go if you are now registered and want to make a regular donation. Please make sure you use the same info you used when you registered (name, email address) to be properly credited.
“Dedicate a Luminaria”
Where you go if you want to purchase a Luminaria
Where you go if you are now registered and want to purchase a Luminaria using your registration info.
TIP: If you want to purchase a Luminaria AND make a regular donation, this is where you go because it will also ask you if you want to make a donation other than the Luminaria.
Additional info:
Donation Receipts will be emailed, not mailed to the donor.
To recap:
You can show your support to the team by doing one or all of the following:
- Participate in the onsite relay event
- Donate to the cause
- Ask others to participate onsite and/or donate to the cause
Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or clarifications…
Please forward to other brods and sisses who are not on this distributionme
Mar Santos 70A for
Joy and Gino Coronel 76A (Team Leaders)