rADIANA by abe bulaclac, 67-A


In radiant light, mine eyes witnessed a fellowship true and bond so strong In solo flight, I yearned and longed to be in The Circle and belong

By a Radian invite, I was summoned a test of mettle to join their ranks
With humble, determined application my all I mustered to this task

Within the radiance of The Circle its rites and tenets fervidly assumed
As nurtured I God’s gifts and talents for the Circle’s, School’s and Nation’s ends With Radian blood now in my veins t’ward a calling I set my track

With Radian blood now in my veins t’ward a calling I set my track With confidence so ever sure was I my brothers always have my back

I live for Radians and with Radians they are with me as I with them This environ, for me utopia indeed it is – in Radiana !

Abe Bulaclac
Epsilon Chi, 67-A

October 2, 2020 – 56TH ANNIVERSARY

We just marked another milestone, our 56th Anniversary.

This year has been especially trying, with everyone affected by the Global pandemic situation. It is in these difficult times that we rise to the challenge. We do so as men with a purpose, as brothers of Epsilon Chi, we continue to stand united.

We still managed to celebrate with Zoom, drinks ranging from coffee to alcohol due to global time zones, and presentations from our esteemed brothers.

We thank everyone for celebrating with us, we look forward to more years, continued strength, and the loving guidance of God.