rADIANA by abe bulaclac, 67-A


In radiant light, mine eyes witnessed a fellowship true and bond so strong In solo flight, I yearned and longed to be in The Circle and belong

By a Radian invite, I was summoned a test of mettle to join their ranks
With humble, determined application my all I mustered to this task

Within the radiance of The Circle its rites and tenets fervidly assumed
As nurtured I God’s gifts and talents for the Circle’s, School’s and Nation’s ends With Radian blood now in my veins t’ward a calling I set my track

With Radian blood now in my veins t’ward a calling I set my track With confidence so ever sure was I my brothers always have my back

I live for Radians and with Radians they are with me as I with them This environ, for me utopia indeed it is – in Radiana !

Abe Bulaclac
Epsilon Chi, 67-A