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Motion 2016
Catch Never the Strangers in Motion XIV on April 6 at LB Square!
“MOTION XIV Tahanan: Bigkasin ang Himig ng Pagbabalik” will be showcasing performances from your favorite artists – Words Anonymous, Ebe Dancel, Never The Strangers, SUD, Oh, Flamingo! and more!
Tickets are only P50.00/ea, get them while they last! Contact Jennica (0916 170 8121) or visit our Tambayan located near PhySci, next to the Kapok Tree and Palma Bridge. Tickets are limited!
All proceeds will go to Bahay ni Maria, Calamba, Laguna.
See you!
The Epsilon Chi Fraternity Timeline
The 60’s was a time of boundless energy, teeming with social unrest, protests, and changes in various fronts – societal, scientific, political, and intellectual transformation. Change was sweeping nations, and the University was no exception.
On October 2nd of this year the Epsilon Chi Fraternity was born, founded by 32 visionaries at the College of Engineering, University of the Philippines in Diliman. The fraternity was first known as the Engineering Circle, due to a University ban on Greek lettered organizations.
In March of this year, the fraternity was officially recognized as the Epsilon Chi Fraternity. It was also on this year that the parking lot, at the College of Engineering was built, both as a tribute and support to the College, and the University, a lasting legacy to the University.
On August 11, 1973, the UP Epsilon Chi Fraternity at Los Baños was founded, further expanding the reach of the vision of Epsilon Chi. The UPLB Chapter remains today as an equal and autonomous partner in sharing the ideals of the brotherhood.
This year also witnessed the birth of the Chi Epsilon Sorority, a University- wide sorority, complementing the chapter at UP Los Baños. Our sisters have been constant partners in both chapters, in all our activities and pursuits.
The Epsilon Chi Fraternity – We are One
I believe in a Goal, and My Goal is Creation….
We underwent the process of transforming ourselves from ordinary men to Brother Radians, men above the rest, visionaries, builders of nations. We succeeded, and were given our cherished place in the brotherhood.
What does the Circle require?
Sometimes we find ourselves falling hard, committing mistakes unworthy of our beloved Creed, straying from the path, but still striving to fulfill ideals we swore to uphold.
Instinct dictates mere survival, but living the Creed and being part of the Circle demands purity of purpose, adherence to the tenets of the Brotherhood, and excellence above all.
Words that we have sworn to uphold continue to shape our thoughts, our actions, and ultimately our destiny. For being counted as a member of the Circle has its heavy responsibilities, sometimes more than we come to realize.
The responsibility of living up to the grand ideals of the Brotherhood does not end when we leave our beloved schools. We spend five or so years in college, but the best years of our lives are spent after, building our families, the nation, and ourselves. One then comes to realize that more responsibility and distinction is expected, in all tasks. Neither does our adherence to the Creed and the Fraternity tenets end when we leave school and start our careers. Again, more is demanded. Since the Brotherhood was forged with the highest principles, excellence is the rule, not the exception.
Excellence is demanded from all those who dare to face themselves and count themselves as members of the Brotherhood.
Living the Creed is a constant battle, not one that is always won, but a struggle that distinguishes the Circle by its sheer presence in our consciousness.
The Circle has had its share of difficulties, and all of us fail at times. However, we strive to learn from our past, choose to rebuild ourselves, and dare again. Our individual struggles today shape our fate, our destiny, and collectively, the legacy of our Brotherhood.
We struggle, we dare, excellence is our mark.
This is our vow and we are Epsilon Chi.
For I am a Radian.
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